
Internal Action Types (36)

External Action Type (100+)


Triggered: When a player breaks a block.

Variable: The block's material.


Triggered: When a player places a block. Variable: The block's material.


Triggered: When player places a bucket

Variable: bucket's material (e.g. lava bucket)


Triggered: when potion is brewed

Variable: potion effect type


Triggered: When a player sends a message in chat. Variable: The message sent (lower case)


Triggered: When a player sends a message in chat - stripped from colour codes. Variable: The message sent (lower case)


Triggered: Whenever a player right clicks. Variable: none.


Triggered: Whenever a player left clicks. Variable: none.


Triggered: Whenever a player right clicks a block. Variable: The block's material.


Triggered: Whenever a player left clicks a block. Variable: The block's material.


Triggered: Whenever a player consumes (eats) something. Variable: The item's material.


Triggered: Whenever a player crafts an item. Variable: The crafted item's material.


Triggered: When a player deals damage to another player. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player enchants an item using an enchantment table. Variables:

  • root: The name of the enchantment (see here)

  • item: The material of the enchanted item (e.g diamond_sword)

  • level: The level of the enchantment

  • cost: The level cost of enchanting


Triggered: When player breeds a mob


  • root: EntityType

  • name: Entity's custom name


Triggered: When player harvests crops


  • root: Block type


Triggered: When a player enchants an item using an anvil. Variables:

  • root: The name of the enchantment (see here)

  • item: The material of the enchanted item, upper case (e.g DIAMOND_SWORD)

  • level: The level of the enchantmente


Triggered: When a player enchants an item using an enchantment table OR an anvil. Variables:

  • root: The name of the enchantment (see here)

  • level: The level of the enchantment


Triggered: When a player issues a server command (cannot be bungee). Variable:: The command executed (must be lower case).


Triggered: When a player catches an item from fishing. Variable: The item caught from fishing.


Triggered: When a player gains exp. Variable: none.


Triggered: When the item a player is using breaks. Variable: The item's material.


Triggered: When a player flies. Extra Info: Progression is measured in blocks flown. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player glides. Extra Info: Progression is measured in blocks glided. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player moves a block sneaking. Extra Info: Progression is measured in blocks snuck. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player sprints a block. Extra Info: Progression is measured in blocks walked. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player swims a block. Extra Info: Progression is measured in blocks walked. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player moves (basically just counting every other movement in one). Extra Info: Progression is measured in blocks walked. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player kills a mob. Variable: The type of mob.


Triggered: When a player kills another player. Variable: The name of the killed player.


Triggered: When a player logs into the server. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player milks a cow. Variable: none.


Triggered: Progressed 1 for every second a user is online (done in 5 second chunks, you must enable this in the settings.yml) Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player throws/shoots a projectile Variable: The projectile thrown (see here).


Triggered: When a player regenerates health. Variable: The reason for regaining health (see here).


Triggered: When a player rides a mob. Variable: The type of entity.


Triggered: When a player shears a sheep. Variable: none.


Triggered: When a player smelts an item in a furnace. Variable: The material of the item received from smelting (e.g, iron_ingot).


Triggered: When a player tames a mob. Variable: The type of entity tamed.


Triggered: When a player extracts honey.

Variable: Bee Nest or Bee Hive


Triggered: When a player extracts honey combs using shears.

Variable: Bee Nest or Bee Hive

External Actions

McMMO - mcmmo_gain_exp

Triggered: When player gains exp in specific skill

Variable: Skill name.

McMMO - mcmmo_level_up_skill

Triggered: When player levels up a skill

Variable: Skill name.


Triggered: When bed is broken


root: team name

arena: arena name


Triggered: When kill is achieved

root: team name


Triggered: Stat changes

root: stat

progress: how much of stat has been gained


Triggered: When item is bought

root: item name

arena: arena name


Triggered: When an arena is joined

root: team name



Triggered: When a teammate is eliminated

root: team name

ChestShop - chestshop_create

Triggered: When a player creates a chest shop. Variable: none.

ChestShop - chestshop_buy

Triggered: When a player makes a purchase from a chest shop. Variable: The owner of the chest shop's name.

ChestShop - chestshop_sell

Triggered: When a player sells something from their chest shop. Variable: The name of the client.

ChestShop - chestshop_spend

Triggered: When a player makes a purchase from a chest shop - the cost is the progress. Variable: The owner of the chest shop's name.

ChestShop - chestshop_profit

Triggered: When a player sells something from their chest shop - the cost is the progress. Variable: The name of the client.

AdvancedEnchantments - advancedenchantments_enchant

Triggered: When a player enchants any item. Variable:

  • root: Name of enchant (e.g. glowing)

  • level: Level of enchant (e.g. 1)

ASkyBlock - askyblock_create_island

Triggered: When you create a skyblock island. Variable: The name of the schematic of the island.

ASkyBlock - askyblock_create_warp

Triggered: When you create an island warp. Variable: none.

AuctionHouse by Kludgemonkey - auctionhouse_list

Triggered: When a player lists an item on the auction house (progressed by the amount of said item). Variable: The material of the item being listed.

AuctionHouse by Kludgemonkey - auctionhouse_list_singular

Triggered: When a player lists an item on the auction house (only progressed by 1) Variable: The material of the item being listed.

AuctionHouse by Kludgemonkey - auctionhouse_buy

Triggered: When a player buys an item on the auction house (progressed by the amount of said item bought). Variable: The material of the purchased item.

AuctionHouse by Kludgemonkey - auctionhouse_buy_singular

Triggered: When a player buys an item on the auction house (only progressed by 1) Variable: The material of the purchased item.

AuctionHouse by Kludgemonkey - auctionhouse_sell

Triggered: When a player successfully sells an item on the auction house (progressed by the amount of said item sold). Variable: The material of the sold item.

AuctionHouse by Kludgemonkey - auctionhouse_sell_singular

Triggered: When a player successfully sells an item on the auction house (only progressed by 1). Variable: The material of the sold item.

AuctionHouse by Kludgemonkey - auctionhouse_profit

Triggered: When a listed item is sold - the amount of money you make from it is the progress. Variable: The material of the sold item.

AuctionHouse by Kludgemonkey - auctionhouse_spend

Triggered: When you purchase an item from the auction house - the amount of money spent is the progress. Variable: The material of the item purchased.

AutoSell - autosell_break

Triggered: When you break a block whilst autosell is enabled. Variable: The material of the block broken.

BedWars1058 - bedwars1058_break_beds

Triggered: When a player breaks a team's bed. Variable: The team of the broken bed.

BedWars1058 - bedwars1058_kill_players

Triggered: When a player kills an enemy player. Variable: The cause of death (UNKNOWN, EXPLOSION, VOID, PVP, PLAYER_SHOOT)

BedWars1058 - bedwars1058_buy_items

Triggered: When a player purchases an item. Variable: none.

BedWars1058 - bedwars1058_buy_upgrades

Triggered: When a player buys a team upgrade. Variable: none.

Benzimmer's KOTH - koth_capture

Triggered: When a player captures a point for x time (the amount of time captured in seconds is the progress). Variable: The name of the KOTH.

Benzimmer's KOTH - koth_win_cap

Triggered: When a player wins the capture for a KOTH. Variable: The name of the KOTH

BuildBattle by Tiger - buildbattle_join

Triggered: When a player joins a BuildBattle game. Variable: The name of the map.

BuildBattle by Tiger - buildbattle_play

Triggered: When a player is in a game and it starts. Variable: The name of the map.

BuildBattle by Tiger - buildbattle_finish

Triggered: When a player is in a game when it finishes. Variable: The name of the map.

ChatReaction - chatreaction_win

Triggered: When a player wins a ChatReaction competition. Variable: none.

Citizens - citizens_click

Triggered: When a player click a citizens NPC. Variable: The name of the NPC.

Citizens - citizens_damage

Triggered: When a player damages a citizens NPC (normally requires Sentinel). Variable: The name of the NPC.

Citizens - citizens_kill

Triggered: When a player kills a citizens NPC (normally requires Sentinel). Variable: The name of the NPC.

Clans - clans_create

Triggered: When a player creates a clan. Variable: none.

Clans - clans_join

Triggered: When a player joins a clan. Variable: none.

ClueScrolls - cluescrolls_complete_clue

Triggered: When a player completes a clue. Variable: The type of clue.

ClueScrolls - cluescrolls_complete_scroll

Triggered: When a player completes a scroll. Variable: The tier type.

MMOCore - mmocore_level_up_skill

Triggered: When player levels up a skill

Variable: skill type name (e.g. ARCHERY)

MMOCore - mmocore_gain_exp

Triggered: when player gains exp from a skill

Variable: skill type name (e.g. ARCHERY)

CrateReloaded - cratereloaded_open

Triggered: When a player opens a CrateReloaded crate. Variable: The name of the crate opened.

CratesPlus - cratesplus_open

Triggered: When a player opens a CratesPlus crate. Variable: The name of the crate opened.

CrazyCrates - crazycrates_open

Triggered: When a player opens a CrazyCrates crate. Variable: The name of the crate opened.

CrazyEnvoy - crazyenvoy_open_envoy

Triggered: When a player opens an envoy crate. Variable: The name of the tier of crate.

CrazyEnvoy - crazyenvoy_use_flare

Triggered: When a player uses an envoy flare to start an envoy. Variable: none.

Triggered: When a links their discord account. Variable: none.

ExcellentCrates - excellentcrates_open

Triggered: When a player opens a crate.

Variable: crate name.

FactionsUUID - factions_kill_enemy

Triggered: When a player kills another person from an enemy faction. Variable: none.

Jobs - jobs_join

Triggered: When a player joins a job. Variable: The name of the job.

Jobs - jobs_gain_exp

Triggered: When a player gains experience (progress is the exp gained). Variable: The name of the player's job.

Jobs - jobs_level_up

Triggered: When a player levels up (progress is set to this level). Variable: The name of the player's job.

Lands - lands_join

Triggered: When a player joins a land. Variable: none.

Lands - lands_leave

Triggered: When a player leaves a land. Variable: none.

Lands - lands_create

Triggered: When a player creates a land. Variable: none.

Lands - lands_disband

Triggered: When a player disbands their land. Variable: none.

Lands - lands_invited

Triggered: When a player is invited to a land. Variable: none.

Lands - lands_claim_chunk

Triggered: When a player claims a chunk for their land. Variable: none.

LobbyPresents by Poompk - lobbypresents_find

Triggered: When a player finds a present. Variable: The ID of the present.

MoneyHunters - moneyhunters_level_up

Triggered: When a player levels up (the progress is set to their level). Variable: The name of their job.

MoneyHunters - moneyhunters_gain_exp

Triggered: When a player tames a mob (the progress is increased by the given xp). Variable: The name of their job.

MythicMobs - mythicmobs_kill_mob

Triggered: When a player kills a MythicMobs mob. Variable: The name of the type of mob.

PlaceholderAPI - placeholderapi_match_<PLACEHOLDER>

Description: When the placeholder is resolved for the player, it will progress if the variable is the same as what the placeholder resolves to. E.g if the type was as placeholderapi_match_essentials_flying and the variable was true, if the player was flying the action would progress.

PlaceholderAPI - placeholderapi_integer_<PLACEHOLDER>

Description: Resolves the placeholder for the player and sets the progress of the action to the value of the placeholder (the resolved value must be an integer, e.g 342653476). An example would be the type as placeholderapi_integer_gemseconomy_balance_default with the variable none and the required progress 10000. When they get 10000 gems it will be completed. Variable: none.

PlotSquared - plotsquared_claim

Triggered: When a player claims their plot. Variable: auto or manual.

PlotSquared - plotsquared_visit

Triggered: When a player visits another player's plot. Variable: The owner of the plot's username or none if not found.

PlotSquared - plotsquared_trust_player

Triggered: When a player trusts another player. Variable: none.

PlotSquared - plotsquared_become_trusted

Triggered: When a player becomes trusted on another player's plot. Variable: none.

PlotSquared - plotsquared_rate

Triggered: When a player rates another player's plot. Variable: none.

PlotSquared - plotsquared_teleport

Triggered: When a player teleports to a plot. Variable: The owner of the plot's username or none if not found.

ProCosmetics - procosmetics_spend

Triggered: When a player spends coins on a cosmetic or treasure chest (the progress is the amount spent). Variable: treasure-chest or cosmetic depending on what was bought.

ProCosmetics - procosmetics_buy_treasure

Triggered: When a player buys a treasure. Variable: The name of the treasure.

ProCosmetics - procosmetics_open_treasure

Triggered: When a player opens a treasure. Variable: The name of the treasure.

ProCosmetics - procosmetics_buy_cosmetic

Triggered: When a player buys a cosmetic. Variable: The type of cosmetic.

ShopGuiPlus - shopguiplus_buy

Triggered: When a player purchases an item from the shop. The progress will be the amount of items purchased Variables:

  • root: The item that was purchased (e.g iron_sword:0)

  • shop: The ID of the shop the item was purchased from (e.g foodstuffs)

  • item-id: The ID of the item in the shop (e.g 2, 6, or 8)

ShopGuiPlus - shopguiplus_buy_singular

Triggered: When a player purchases an item from the shop. The progress will always be 1 Variables:

  • root: The item that was purchased (e.g iron_sword:0)

  • shop: The ID of the shop the item was purchased from (e.g foodstuffs)

  • item-id: The ID of the item in the shop (e.g 2, 6, or 8)

ShopGuiPlus - shopguiplus_spend

Triggered: When a player purchases an item from the shop. The progress will be the amount it cost the user rounded up to the nearest real number (2.4 -> 3) Variables:

  • root: The item that was purchased (e.g iron_sword:0)

  • shop: The ID of the shop the item was purchased from (e.g foodstuffs)

  • item-id: The ID of the item in the shop (e.g 2, 6, or 8)

ShopGuiPlus - shopguiplus_sell

Triggered: When a player sells an item to the shop. The progress will be the amount of items sold. Variables:

  • root: The item that was purchased (e.g iron_sword:0)

  • shop: The ID of the shop the item was purchased from (e.g foodstuffs)

  • item-id: The ID of the item in the shop (e.g 2, 6, or 8)

ShopGuiPlus - shopguiplus_sell_singular

Triggered: When a player sells an item to the shop. The progress will always be 1. Variables:

  • root: The item that was purchased (e.g iron_sword:0)

  • shop: The ID of the shop the item was purchased from (e.g foodstuffs)

  • item-id: The ID of the item in the shop (e.g 2, 6, or 8)

ShopGuiPlus - shopguiplus_profit

Triggered: When a player sells an item to the shop. The progress will be the amount it cost the user rounded up to the nearest real number (2.4 -> 3) Variables:

  • root: The item that was purchased (e.g iron_sword:0)

  • shop: The ID of the shop the item was purchased from (e.g foodstuffs)

  • item-id: The ID of the item in the shop (e.g 2, 6, or 8)

Shopkeepers - shopkeepers_trade

Triggered: When a player trades with a shopkeeper. Variable: The UUID of the shopkeeper.

Shopkeepers - shopkeepers_open

Triggered: When a player opens a shopkeeper. Variable: The UUID of the shopkeeper.

Last updated