Conditions Variables
Dynamic variables to be used in conditions and abilities.
Conditions can be targeted against different entities. You can use attacker or victim instead of player, for example: %player health%
-> %victim health%
List of built-in variables
All variables can start with 'player', 'attacker', and 'victim' Example: '%victim is on fire%'
Parsing for attacker or victim works for placeholders from PlaceholderAPI as well. Example: "%victim checkitem_getinfo:39_mat:%"
Player only variables
Variable | Description |
%can break% | True if a player can break the block |
%faction land% | Gets faction land player is in. |
%food% | Food level of player |
%is bleeding% | True if the player is bleeding via McMMO |
%helmet% | Equipped Helmet |
%chestplate% | Equipped Chestplate |
%leggins% | Equipped Leggins |
%boots% | Equipped Boots |
%is blocking% | True if the player is blocking |
%is flying% | True if the player is flying |
%is sneaking% | True if the player is sneaking |
%level of skill <skill>% | Level of a player's McMMO skill |
%permissions% | All player's permissions |
%is op% | True if player has OP |
Global Variables
Variable | Description |
%block below% | Block type player/ mob is standing on |
%trigger type% | Type of trigger |
%combo% | Current combo |
%custom name% | Custom name of player/ mob |
%has enchantment in hand of <enchant>% | Whether player/ mob has an enchantment on the item in its main hand |
%has enchantment in hand of <enchant> level <level>% | Whether player/ mob has an enchantment of a specific level on the item in its main hand |
%has enchantment in <armor slot> of <enchantment>% | Whether player/ mob has an enchantment on the item in a specific armor slot |
%has potion effect <effect>% | Whether player/ mob has a potion effect PotionEffectTypes |
%item in hand level <enhantment>% | Level of enchantment on item in main hand |
%health% | The health of player/ mob |
%health percentage% | Percentage of health left |
%is critical% | Whether attack was a critical hit |
%is gliding% | Whether player/ mob is gliding |
%is holding% | Type of item currently held by player/ mob |
%is hostile% | Whether mob is hostile |
%is damageable% | Whether the player/mob can be damaged |
%is on fire% | Whether player/ mob is on fire |
%is removal% | Whether effect is removal (EFFECT_STATIC, HELD, SHIFT, SPRINT) |
%is under water% | Whether player/ mob is underwater |
%item slot% | Slot of item that triggered enchant |
%max health% | Maximum health of player/ mob |
%mob type% | Type of mob |
%name% | Name of player/ mob |
%nearby mobs% | Amount of mobs in a 10 block radius |
%offhand item% | Type of item currently held in offhand by player/ mob |
%players% | Amount of players in a 10 block radius |
%potion effect level <effect> <level>% | Whether player/ mob has a potion effect of a specifc level |
%time% | Time of the world |
%x% | X coordinate of player/ mob |
%y% | Y coordinate of player/ mob |
%z% | Z coordinate of player/ mob |
%x double% | More precise X coordinate of player/ mob |
%y double% | More precise Y coordinate of player/ mob |
%z double% | More precise Z coordinate of player/ mob |
%block tags% | Array of tags a target block has |
%is riding% | Whether player/mob is riding player/mob (or is a passenger) |
%passengers% | Passengers of the player/mob |
Type-specific variables (global)
Variable | Description | Applicable Type(s) |
%is headshot% | Whether an arrow/ trident hit was a headshot | BOW, BOW_MOB, DEFENSE_BOW, DEFENSE_BOW_MOB |
%force% | Force of bow when firing arrow | BOW_FIRE |
%damaged from behind% | If victim was damaged from behind by enemy | DEFENSE, DEFENSE_MOB, DEFENSE_BOW, DEFENSE_BOW_MOB |
%projectile type% | Type of projectile ("arrow" or "trident") | BOW, BOW_MOB, DEFENSE_BOW, DEFENSE_BOW_MOB |
%exp% | Amount of EXP to give/ drop | CATCH_FISH, FISHING, KILL_MOB |
%caught% | Type of item player caught | CATCH_FISH, FISHING |
%maximum durability% | Maximum durability of item | ITEM_BREAK |
%block x% | X coordinate of block broken | MINING |
%block y% | Y coordinate of block broken | MINING |
%block z% | Z coordinate of block broken | MINING |
%block type% | Type of block | MINING, SWING |
%block type lowercase% | Type of block but all letters are lowercase | MINING |
%block drop type% | Type of item block will drop | MINING |
%is crop% | Whether broken block was a crop | MINING |
%is fully grown% | Whether broken crop was fully grown | MINING |
%block location% | Location of the block (used in location parameter) | MINING, SWING |
%damage% | Final damage | Any type triggered by damage or an attack |
%raw damage% | Damage before armor | Any type triggered by damage or an attack |
%damage cause% | Cause of damage | Any type triggered by damage or an attack |
PlaceholderAPI support
E.g: %victim player_level% > 10 : %stop%
, player_level
is a PlaceholderAPI placeholder %player_level%
You can use %player %
, %attacker %
or%victim %
It's a must to remove percentage signs from PlaceholderAPI placeholders, more examples: %server_online% -> server_online
-> %player server_online% > 5 : %allow%
Last updated